Checking Your HRV Logs

To check your HRV logs open the Health app on iPhone, select the browse tab and then search for HRV and Tap on Heart Rate Variability. The chart at the top will show Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly charts and you can scroll left and right through them.

You can also scroll down to "Show All Data". This will show you the recorded range for each day. Tap any day to see the hourly readings for the day.  On this screen, you can swipe to delete a reading if you want perhaps because it looks like an outlier.  You can even tap into individual readings and see the "beat-to-beat measurements" which are the individual measurements of your heartbeats.

We would expect to see around 10+ readings per 24 hours if you are wearing your Apple Watch most of the time and during sleep. You can manually add readings by using the Breathe app. If there are fewer than 10 readings per day then the chart and RTT score will not be as accurate as otherwise.
The other things to look out for are "outlier" readings - very high or very low readings comparative to other readings. We mostly ignore these in our calculations but you can also swipe to delete them if you would like to remove them.
One additional thing we have noticed is that if you use the Breathe app but don’t follow the instructions and sit down, stay still and ensure my HR has recovered from an exercise session it doesn’t always create an HRV entry - so it’s worth checking that.

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