Training Today Settings

You can customise the way Training Today works by altering the following settings.

We recommend that you do not change the Smoothing and Intensity settings unless you have a clear reason to do so.

Training Today Settings Screen
Training Today Settings Screen


We take your HRV data from Apple Health and use our proprietary algorithm to produce your Readiness to Train score. By default, this will smooth data based on 24 hours - this is our recommended setting (See our blog post for more info on why). However, if you would like more or less smoothing, you can vary the setting here in 24-hour steps.


We use a 60-day rolling baseline to compare your current HRV values. If your baseline is not accurate, then you could increase or decrease this setting to effectively raise or lower it, and thus increase or decrease your RTT scores overall.

Notification Settings

Apple Watch will notify you when your RTT score changes by the amount shown in settings compared to your previous four-day average. Feel free to change this to receive more or less notifications.

Other Settings

These all relate to the additional data you can turn on or off on the main screen.

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