AIS (Activity Intensity Score)

In version 2,1, we introduced a new metric called Activity Intensity Score.

Our AIS algorithm is largely based on your daily active energy burned (as logged in Apple Health) and shows how intense your day was regarding workout activity. 

Using this score, you can better understand how your workouts have impacted your daily RTT score.

For example, after a recent Olympic Distance triathlon event, my AIS for that day was 68.1, with my RTT diving to 0.6, compared to 32.8 for a multi-sport training day or 7.5 for a recovery day, when RTT was more stable.   The score is relative, will vary from person to person based on their physiology, and has no maximum value.

You would typically expect a relatively high AIS to hurt your RTT score, though that is not always true.  Remember, you can tap on your RTT score in the iPhone app for a more detailed explanation of what the score means.

See your AIS on the chart on iPhone (turn it on in settings) - it shows as a yellow bar on the chart and a lightning bolt in the summary.

iPhone screenshot showing AIS score and chart
iPhone screen shot showing AIS

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