Example Siri Shortcut

Training Today now supports using your RTT Score in a Siri Shortcut.

Apple Shortcuts are a rich way of building automation on your Apple Devices, so that means you can now automate all sorts of things, such as messages, sounds, or even lights in your home, based on your RTT score!

Here's a simple example that will display a message at your " wind down time"  if your RTT is low, prompting you to get a good night's sleep.

You can download the shortcut here or follow the steps below to create it yourself.

Create the Shortcut yourself

This could be handy for learning how to create your own shortcuts or edit the one above.

  1. Open the Apple Shortcuts app on iPhone
  2. Tap the Automation Tab
  3. Tap + (top right) to create a new Automation
  4. Select "Create a personal automation"
  5. Tap "Sleep"
  6. Make sure "Wind Down Begins" is selected", and tap Next.
  7. Tap Add Action
  8. Search for Training Today Score and add it
  9. Tap the Blue arrow in a blue circle next to Training Today Score to expand the options, and turn off "Show When Run."
  10. Search for the "If" action and add it.  When you do this, it should populate the variable, so it now says "If Training Today Score..."
  11. Tap Condition and select "Is less than."
  12. Tap Number and enter 3
  13. Search for the Show Alert Action and add it, then drag it directly underneath the If statement
  14. Tap on the Alert and enter the message you want (e.g. "Try to get a good night's sleep, your RTT is low")
  15. Tap the X to delete the Otherwise action
  16. Tap Done to save the shortcut.
  17. Long press on the shortcut and select rename, and give it a name (e.g.  "Training Today Sleep Alert")

That's it.  You will now get a message at wind-down time if your RTT is below 3.

You can do many more things with Shortcuts - see Apple Shortcuts for more info.

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